Ph.D. History, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2018
M.Phil. History, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2016
M.A. History, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2014
B.A. History and German Studies, Vassar College, 2012
Assistant Professor, Modern LGBTQ History, Virginia Commonwealth University
Writing Fellow at Guttman Community College
Visiting Research Fellow in the History of Race and Ethnicity, German Historical Institute, Washington DC
Graduate Teaching Fellow, Queens College
Research Assistant, The Graduate Center, CUNY
The Color of Desire: Untangling Race and Sex in German Queer Politics since 1970, contract at Cornell University Press.
Co-edited with Sébastien Tremblay: Reading Queer History in the German Speaking World: New Approaches to Print Sources, under contract with Palgrave Macmillan Press.
“Defining Sex Tourism: International Politics, German Law, and Gay Activism at the End of the Twentieth Century,“ Journal of the History of Sexuality, 32 no. 1 (2023): 27-55.
“Highly Affected Groups: Gay Men and Racial Others in West Germany’s AIDS Epidemic, 1981-1992.” Sexualities 23 (2020): 201-223.
“‘Toward a Better World for Gays’: Race, Tourism, and the Internationalization of the West German Gay Rights Movement, 1969-1983.” Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 61 (2017): 109-134.
“‘Color him Black’: Erotic Representations and the Politics of Race in West German Homosexual Magazines, 1949-1974.” Sexuality & Culture 21 (2017): 382-403.
”Whiteness on Tour: Racial Belonging and Gay Identity in the 1970s and 1980s,” in Männlichkeit, Sexualität und Orientalismus / Masculinity, Sexuality and Orientalism, ed. Hannes Sulzenbacher and Christopher Treiblmayr (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag), accepted for publication.
“Sexotic: The Interplay between Sexualization and Exoticization,” with Ulrike Schaper, Magdalena Beljan, Pascal Eitler, and Benno Gammerl. Sexualities 23 (2020): 114-126.
Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History. Edited by Howard Chiang. Farming- ton Hills, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2019.
“Act Up in Europe (Sidebar).”
“Anti-Racist Activism in Europe.”
“Archives in Europe.”
“Attacks on Pride Demonstrations in Moscow (Sidebar).” “Von Mahlsdorf, Charlotte.”
“Pride Demonstrations in Europe.”
“Nachwort.” Nicht schwul. Die homosexuelle Zutat zur Erschaffung des <normalen> Mannes Jane Ward. Translated by Joachim Bartholomae. Hamburg: Männerschwarm Verlag, 2018.
Samuel Clowes Huneke, States of Liberation: Gay Men Between Dictatorship and Democracy, Journal of Social History, (2022), online.
Craig Griffiths, The Ambivalence of Gay Liberation: Male Homosexual Politics in 1970s West Germany, Central European History, forthcoming 2022
Alana Harris (ed.), The Schism of ’68: Catholic Contraception and ‘Humanae Vitae’ in Europe, 1945-1975, Cultural History, forth- coming 2022
Javier Samper Vendrell, The Seduction of Youth: Print Culture and Homosexual Rights in the Weimar Republic. H-German, H-Net Reviews. August, 2021
Jürgen Martschukat and Olaf Stieglitz, race sex: Eine Geschichte der Neuzeit. Journal of the History of Sexuality 26 (2017): 552-554.
Queering German History. German History 34 (2016). Guest Editor: Jennifer Evans. Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 2017. Edited by Maria Borowski, Jan Feddersen, Benno Gammerl, Rainer Nicolaysen and Christian Schmelzer. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2017.
Robert Beachy, Gay Berlin: The Birthplace of a Modern Identity. Cultural History 5 (2016): 228-230.
Schilling Fund Award, History Department, Virginia Commonwealth University
Internal Award and Nomination to the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend Program, Humanities Research Center, Virginia Commonwealth University
Visiting Scholars Program, Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies, Freie Universität Berlin (postponed due to COVID-19)
Dahlem Junior Host Program, with Dr. Ulrike Schaper, Dahlem Humanities Center, Freie Universität Berlin
Fellow in the History of Race and Ethnicity, The German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
Transatlantic Summer Workshop in New York and Bochum, The Graduate Center, CUNY and Ruhr Universität Bochum
Provost’s Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship for independent research conducted in Berlin and Cologne.
Trans-Atlantic Summer Institute Fellowship at the Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) for the interdisciplinary study of identity, inclusion and exclusion across Europe and North America.
Enhanced Chancellor’s Fellowship for doctoral study at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
Mellon Fellowship for the interdisciplinary study of science at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
August 2022. “Sex Tourism Starts at Home”: German law, transnational advocacy, and the AIDS Enquete Commission. Reac- tions to HIV/AIDS since the 1980s: Transnational and comparative history perspectives. University of Saint Andrews, Saint Andrews, UK.
April 2022. Sex Tourism and Moral Panic: The Trials of John Stamford. Intimacy on the Move, European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
October 2021. Defining Sex Tourism: International Advocacy, German Law, and Gay Activism. Seminar: Sexuality and the Law in German-Speaking Europe, German Studies Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
*March 2021. Sexual Frustrations and Dream Vacations: West German Discourses of Sex Tourism After the Sexual Revolution. Presented with Dr. Ulrike Schaper. European Social Science History Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands.
December 2019. Black Power, Gay Power, and Transatlantic Liberation. Stonewall 50 Years On, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.
*January 2019. The Pink and the Brown: LGBT Politics and the Radical Right in Germany, 1990-2018. American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
*September 2018. Lesbian Activism, Gay Rights, and the Politics of Anti-Racism in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1969-1990.. German Studies Association Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
*April 2018. The Emotions of Anti-Discrimination Activism in the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. European Social Science History Conference, Belfast, UK.
July 2017. Gay Activism and the Politics of Race in West Germany and the United States. Transatlantic Studies Association Annual Meeting, Cork, Ireland.
June 2016. ”Toward a Better World for Gays”: Race, Erotica, and the Politics of Solidarity in West Germany, 1969-1986. Becoming TransGerman, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
January 2015. Immer mehr Türken als Sex-Täter”: Race, Pornography, and the AIDS Epidemic. Sexotic: Moral Economies, Body Techniques, Media and the Interplay between Sexuality and Exoticization in Western Europe since the Nineteenth Century, Max Planck Institut für Bildungsforschung, Berlin, Germany.
April 2014. Desiring Men: Art, Erotica, and the Making of Homosexual Masculinities in West Germany, 1949-1983. European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria.
February 2023. The Color of Desire, Busch-Reisinger Museum Conversation Series, Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA.
October 2021. Rosa von Praunheim and the Erotics of Transatlantic Liberation. FUORI!: International Relationships, Turin, Italy.
July 2020. Highly Affected Groups: Gay Men and Racial Others in West Germany’s AIDS Epidemic, 1981-1992. Guest lecture in Seminar on HIV/AIDS taught by Dr. Ulrike Schaper, Freie Unviersität Berlin.
October 2018. Fascinations. Co-presentation with Dr. madison moore, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Depart- mental Seminar, Virginia Commonwealth University.
October 2016. Highly Affected Groups: Gay Men and Racial Others in the West German AIDS Crisis. AIDS, Drugs, and the Entan- gled Histories of European Public Health Policies since the 1960s, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
Queer Pasts, Introductory Lecture
International Sex Tourism since 1750, Upper-Level Undergraduate Seminar
Oral History: Theory and Practice, Graduate Research Seminar
Global LGBTQ+ History, Upper-Level Undergraduate Seminar
Teaching Global LGBTQ+ History through YouTube, Independent Study
Transatlantic History: The Cold War, Graduate Research Seminar
Postwar European History, Upper-Level Undergraduate Seminar
Gender and Sexuality in Postwar Europe, Upper-Level Undergraduate Seminar
Queer Pasts, Introductory Lecture
Postwar European History, Upper-Level Undergraduate Seminar
Global LGBTQ+ History, Upper-Level Undergraduate Seminar
International Sex Tourism since 1750, Senior Seminar
Queer Pasts, Introductory Lecture
Global LGBTQ+ History, Upper-Level Undergraduate Seminar
Transnational Feminisms, Upper-Level Undergraduate Seminar
Transnational Feminisms, Upper-Level Undergraduate Seminar
Sex Wars: Feminist Perspectives on Pornography, Upper-Level Undergraduate Seminar
Early Modern Europe, 1500-1815, Introductory Lecture
Nazism, Fascism, Stalinism, Senior Seminar
Modern Europe, 1815-present, Introductory Lecture
Modern Europe, 1815-present, Introductory Lecture
Modern Europe, 1815-present, Introductory Lecture
Modern Europe, 1815-present, Introductory Lecture
Early Modern Europe, 1500-1815, Introductory Lecture
Modern Europe, 1815-present, Writing-Intensive Introductory Lecture
Modern Europe, 1815-present, Introductory Lecture
Fall 2013
Modern Europe, 1815-present, Introductory Lecture
Modern Europe, 1815-present, Introductory Lecture
Op-ed, Co-authored with Sébastien Tremblay, “Zündstoffe,” Siegessäule, October 2019, 12 Blog Post, “Sex Tourism and Legal Change,” History | Sexuality | Law: Verschränkungen von
Recht und Sexualität im historischen Kontext, October 13, 2019
Interview conducted with Dr. Birgit Bosold, Curator of the Schwules Museum Berlin, “Queer as German Folk: Exhibition at the Gay Museum Berlin,” History Workshop Online, August 7, 2019
Historical consultant for museum exhibition, “Queer as German Folk/Love at First Fight,” opening at the Goethe Institute New York and the Schwules Museum Berlin, June/July, 2019
Interview, ”International sex tourism is a booming industry. It’s also been happening since the 18th century.” VCU News
Interview, Emily Furlich ”Researching the History of HIV/AIDS: An Interview with Christopher Ewing.” VCU Scholar’s Compass
Doing Queer History: Written Media Landscapes in the German Speaking World, Co-Organized with Dr. Sébastien Tremblay, Freie Universität Berlin, Virtual Workshop
Graduate Center Student History Confrence, Co-Organized with Krystle Farman, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Graduate Center Student History Confrence, Co-Organized with Lauren Sexton, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Undergraduate Studies Committee, History Department, VCU.
Diversity Committee, History Department, VCU.
LGBT+ and Queer Studies Steering Committee, VCU, Co-Chair with Dr. Chris Cynn Task Force on Institutional and Systemic Bias, VCU.
Task Force on Institutional and Systemic Bias, VCU.
Personnel Committee, History Department, VCU.
LGBT+ and Queer Studies Minor Curriculum Committee, VCU,
American Historical Association
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Netzwerk Queere Zeitgeschichten
German Studies Association