Since 2013, I have taught courses in the History Department at Queens College, CUNY, the Women and Gender Studies Department at Hunter College, CUNY, and in the History Department at Virginia Commonwealth University, many of which have also been cross-listed with the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Department. I have served as the sole instructor for all of these courses.
Virginia Commonwealth University, History Department, 2018-present
Oral History: Theory and Practice, graduate research seminar
Transatlantic History: The Cold War, graduate research seminar
International Sex Tourism since 1750, senior seminar
Global LGBTQ+ History, upper-level undergraduate seminar
Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth-Century Europe, upper-level undergraduate seminar
Postwar Europe, upper-level undergraduate seminar
Queer Pasts, introductory lecture
Hunter College, Women and Gender Studies Department, 2016-2018
Transnational Feminisms, upper-level undergraduate seminar
Sex Wars: Feminist Perspectives on Pornography, upper-level undergraduate seminar
Queens College History Department, 2013-2016
Nazism, Fascism, Stalinism: Debates on Political Ideology in Twentieth-Century Europe, senior seminar
Introduction to Modern European History, 1815-present, introductory lecture
Introduction to Early Modern European History, 1500-1800, introductory lecture